Smiling woman in black dress leaning on a wooden structure surrounded by greenery, with text "Come Home to Yourself with the 5 Petals of a Well Woman’s Rose."

Have you been struggling with life lately? …Or maybe since you can remember?

Maybe it’s that pit in your stomach when the alarm goes off and you have to face another day at the office. Or maybe it’s the numb resignation and bitterness in your marriage.

Or maybe… it’s that you can’t even remember what peace feels like, because your life has become a never-ending circus of what the kids need, what the pets need, what the house needs, what the whole world needs from you.

I see you. I really do.

Because not too long ago, I was standing exactly where you are.

I was drowning in obligation—parenthood, work, relationships, expectations, survival. I had big, beautiful dreams—visions of travel, deep love, meaningful work, easy play with my kids, a life that actually felt like my own. But instead, I was running on fumes. Everyone else seemed to have their lives figured out—date nights, vacations, bills paid on time—while I was stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, self-sacrifice, and drinking to cope.

I kept telling myself that if I worked harder, if I pushed through, if I earned my rest, then—one day—I could finally breathe.

But what I actually needed was to come home to myself.

I had to stop waiting for life to change and start changing the way I lived inside my own skin. And once I did that? Everything else- the hobbies, the joy, the wild aliveness, the confidence and purpose- it all fell into place like a natural fit.

Bridgid Berkano holding a flower and smiling in an outdoors in a garden.

The way you feel right now? It isn’t the end of your story. There is a path back to yourself.

Come Home to Yourself with

Illustration of a flower with words "Spiritual," "Mental," "Emotional," "Physical," and "Relational" surrounding it.

The 5 Petals of a Well Woman’s Rose

Your life is not a collection of separate parts—it is a beautifully intricate, interconnected whole. When you nurture your spiritual well-being, your mind can plan an intuitively driven course of action. When you process emotions in a supportive container, the pressure is off your relationships. When you give safety and structure to your physical body, you are tending the home of your spirit.

That’s why true transformation isn’t about fixing one thing and hoping the rest magically falls into place. It’s about tending to all of you—spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and relational—so that every part of your life begins to move in harmony.

This is where The Five Petals Framework comes in.

Together, we’ll uncover your deepest desires, gently bring awareness to what’s been holding you back, and begin the work of bringing you home to yourself—rooted and blooming, right where you stand.

Skills for Lasting Transformation

This framework is a unique blend of deep inner work and practical skills you can use every day:

Listen to Your Body –Your physical sensations will guide you to what’s right for you.
Honor Your Emotions – Instead of pushing them down, you’ll learn to use them as a roadmap for self-trust.
Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom – Through spiritual and intuitive guidance, you’ll connect to a deep sense of self-love.
Take Practical Action – You’ll learn to set boundaries, ask for what you need, and communicate with confidence.

Why This Works (When Nothing Else Has)

Most boundary advice tells you to just “say no” or “be more confident.” But if it were that easy, you’d already be doing it.

What makes this different?
It’s Embodied.
You won’t just learn about boundaries—you’ll feel them in your body, so they become second nature.
It’s Intimate. I don’t do surface-level. We go straight to the root of your patterns so you experience lasting change.
It’s Real. I won’t let you gaslight yourself. I’ll hold you in deep, transformative self-love—while making sure you don’t fall into old patterns.

Here’s Exactly How We Will Work Together:

90 Day Container

Allowing you to have enough time to give this process a solid chance—and see real transformation unfold.

Weekly 1:1 Zoom Calls

Personalized guidance, deep conversations, and compassionate accountability as you move through this work.

Text Support

Because transformation doesn’t just happen in weekly sessions. I’ll be here to remind you how to apply what you’re learning in real-time, right when you need it most.

Human Design Reading

A profound exploration of your energetic blueprint, so you can make aligned decisions and protect your energy in a way that feels natural to you.

5 Skill-Building Modules

Deep, enriching lessons on spiritual practice, emotional attunement, the science of calm, and relational skills. These are yours to revisit and integrate at your own pace, for life.

Bridgid leaning against a tree in a forest

You don’t have to do this alone.

Yes Bridgid, I WANT THIS!

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My 4 Step Daily Ritual to Develop Your Unique Spiritual Practice and Burst Through the Next Layer of Growth!

This life changing 10 minute routine will rush straight to your inbox once you book a call, so you can get started right away on your unique spiritual unfolding.

Two brochures, one featuring a sun and moon design with text "The 4 Step Daily Ritual to Develop Your Unique Spiritual Practice and Burst Through the Next Layer of Growth," and another with partially visible text titled "Why Ritual?"

I wish I could get this into the hands of every suffering woman before they spend one more Christmas hiding in the bathroom, choking back sobs of disappointment. Before they are pulled over for falling asleep at the wheel with the exhaustion of caretaking. Before they move-in with another loser who uses up their love and offers them crumbs for affection. Before they feel guilted into buying their 16 year old a nicer car than they have. Before they wake up with another hangover from all the “self care” they drank the night before.

However, I can’t want your healing more than you do. So unless you choose to honor and love yourself enough to take action, it’s very likely that you will see another year go by experiencing a lot of the same disappointment as you do now.

Let’s raise you up and get you started on your path of healing today.

Smiling Bridgid leaning against a wooden structure surrounded by greenery. Text reads "Come Home to Yourself with the 5 Petals of a Well Woman’s Rose."